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Wattle Day
In 2022 we celebrated the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. A part of that celebration was undertaken by the Kalannie CRC through a tree planting project.
On the 1st of September which is National Wattle Day, the CRC held an event that not only showcased Australia's national emblem, but also celebrated the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. Acacia wattle is native to Kalannie and the wider Dalwallinu District and over the next year, we are having some wattle seedlings created for us by Denis Mitchell from Wongan Trees. Then once the seedlings are ready they will be planted in the playground area and at both the welcome signs into town.
We were very fortunate to have Mr Robert Nixon attend our event and speak to everyone about the various Acacia species found in Kalannie and their importance to sustaining other trees, like Sandalwood. Traditionally Indigenous people made use of wattle in many ways. The seeds were used as a food source, ground up and eaten as a paste or used like flour and baked into damper. Also the nectar laden blossoms can be steeped in water to make a sweet drink. It was quite a treat, as there isn’t much with a sweet taste in the Australian landscape. The trees also attracted insects that were used for food; grubs of different flying insects were found in particular species at certain times of the year and were eaten. The wood of some species was utilised for specific purposes to make tools and artifacts, and the ash from burnt wood was also used in a kind of chewing tobacco.
In conjunction with wattle day we also ran a colouring in competition, thank you to everyone who entered ! We also held an afternoon tea, fit for a Queen, with some food that featured wattle seed in them. Such as cheesecake with wattle seed crumb, wattle seed biscuits and sponge cake with wattle seed cream. The Kalannie Primary School kids were all given a special wattle day coin and everyone took a bag of wattle seeds home, so they can grow their own trees.
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